Image Competition
Image Submission Eligibility
Who is eligible to submit an image?
- SSR members and non-members are eligible to submit an image.
Images that are eligible for submission:
- The SSR seeks images representing a diverse range of patients that show either characteristic or unusual manifestations of the rheumatic disease.
Images that are not eligible for submission:
- Images that have been published before the Image Competition submission deadline.
- Images that are copyrighted
Image Submission Guidelines
- Title
- Affiliation & Single Author Information
- Caption (100 words max)
- Patient Authorization and Release Form (Sign and upload in PDF only)
- Images must be submitted online through our online submission portal
- Each image should have a title and caption
- The maximum allowable size of each image is upto 3 MB
- Pixel dimensions for high-definition images must be 1920 x 1080
- Images will be accepted as PNG or JPG files
- If you are already registered, use your alternate email address